

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Is The Best Marvel Film

A friend of mine watched X-Men: Days of Future Past and was sooooo 2010 about it that he updated his status saying that it was the best Marvel film that had been released. I liked the status because I thought he was being sarcastic as the X-Men movie rights are owned by Fox, not Marvel. I figured that this was general knowledge, not geeky knowledge. As I scrolled through the comments I realised I was wrong. He genuinely meant that Days of Future Past was the best Marvel film. I did enjoy watching the film but recently I re watched Captain America: The Winder Soldier and I completely disagree with him. The Winter Soldier is hands down the best Marvel film.

I probably wouldn't have felt this way 10 years ago, but in 2014 I certainly do, the major reason being comic book movie fatigue. Yes it is a real thing, not some sort of made up disorder. Think about it, we have multiple comic book movies coming out every single year and it does get a bit much. I'm not saying that I don't watch them because I really really do, but I used to go opening weekend and be pretty psyched about it and discuss for weeks on end afterwards. I can't currently remember the last time I went and saw a comic book movie opening weekend, I just don't get excited enough to do that anymore. I watch them out of habit and to be honest I don't think I'd care too much if I waited for the DVD's rather than shell out £12 to watch it in the cinema. I mean we all know whats going to happen in the movie right? Every film has the same structure and nothing really changes.

Which brings me to the point of this post. The Winter Soldier. THE best Marvel film. This is purely because it didn't feel like just every other Marvel film. Sure it follows the general structure - big bad rises, hero gets a beat down from him but gets back up and defeats him, somewhere in there is betrayal and yada yada yada - but due to it being S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra heavy it felt more like a conspiracy thriller. I can't be the only one that felt Bourne tingles whilst watching this right? The took a leaf out of Nolan's handbook and made it a bit more realistic. A bit. The main storyline wasn't some Alien invasion, it was a government conspiracy to wipe out part of the Worlds population. We still have super humans. Like I said, a bit.

I'm not discrediting Days Of Future Past, it was a good film and did a brilliant job of erasing The Last Stand and the Wolverine movies. Anyone that manages to do that deserves a medal. The Winter Soldier was just different to the others, and for me that makes it the best. And even if you disagree and say Days Of Future Past is the best marvel film, I can say The Winter Soldier is LITERALLY the greatest.

Live Long and Blog!

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